
2024-25 GTFWC Scholarship Recipients Named

Thanks to the GTFWC Scholarship Chair, Dr. Brenda "B" Woods, Director of Research and Assessment for Student Engagement and Well-Being, who headed up last year’s program. The three 2024-25 recipients are presented alphabetically below. Congratulations everyone!

Sona Desai - Biomedical Enginering

David Montoya - Literature, Media, Communication / Japanese

Neha Sivakumar - Industrial and Systems Engineering

Their $2,000 award was scheduled in May 2024 for the 2024-2025 academic year.  It was applied to their student account at the Bursar’s Office, to be split between Fall and Spring semesters.  Funds will go towards paying any outstanding charges (i.e. tuition, fees, housing, meal plan, etc.). 

The 2025-26 Scholarship application is now online! Apply by March 1, 2025

GTFWC Scholarship

The GTFWC Scholarship Program is pleased to award scholarships to deserving full-time GT undergraduates who have a parent or guardian employed by Georgia Tech. Since 1990, almost 200 scholarships have been awarded–totaling over $200,000! In the earliest years, GTFWC members generated funds through yard sales and bake sales, and through these efforts established the GTFWC Scholarship Fund. At first, scholarships in the amount of $1000 were awarded. Thanks to the continued generosity of club members, the award grew to $1500, then in 2017-18 to $2000. As of 2025, the Scholarship Program is open to all full-time enrolled undergraduate students in good standing, with a preference given to those with a parent or guardian employed by GT.

Where does the money for the scholarships come from?

Generous contributions from our members over the past 30 years have grown the GTFWC Scholarship Endowment Fund at the GT Foundation to about $200,000. This endowment fund generates yearly approximately $10,000 in interest. This generated amount is then transferred to the GTFWC expendable account that funds the scholarship awards. The Foundation receives the names of the recipients and deposits their scholarship award to their school account, to be split between Fall and Spring semesters.

GTFWC Members (or anybody actually) can donate to the endowment account, in which case the interest from that donation goes to the students this year and future years. Members can also choose to donate directly to the expendable account, in which case the entire amount is used for awards that same year. 

During ‘Scholarship September’ we ask our members to donate to the GT Foundation website, or by sending a check. Click below for instructions.